  • 2023.12.01 18:17:57
  • kimhi65@0c7d

[PHP유지보수]IDall Token 및 Crypto Wallet 개발

Easy and Safe Wallet

The most important thing in crypto currency and decentralized ID service is how "safe and how convenient Wallet is". Because you need a Blockchain wallet to use a decentralized ID. IDall Wallet is the safest and most convenient wallet in the world.

It is a decentralized ID platform based on the hybrid Blockchain structure and multi-chain.

Passwords will be removed by the PASSCON private chain and the platform's openness will be globally enhanced through multi public chain.

PASSCON uses natural random number, Verifies 4 Factors at one time

Human technology can not surpass the change of light. Therefore, we can achieve strong security by creating natural random numbers using photos of light changes. PASSCON is an authentication technology that uses natural random numbers generated from photographs to provide simplicity and maximum safety at the same time.
PASSCON is the world's only technology that verifies authentication keys, natural numbers, devices, and digital signature private keys entered in a unique personalized dashboard in one step. You no longer need two-factor authentication such as OTP and SMS
